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  • Final assembly

    Final assembly

  • process card

    process card

  • process card

    process card

  • process card

    process card

  • process card

    process card

  • Crimping process

    Crimping process

  • Crimping process

    Crimping process

  • Crimping process

    Crimping process

  • Crimping process

    Crimping process

  • Crimping process

    Crimping process

  • Cutting & Stripping

    Cutting & Stripping

  • Cutting & Stripping

    Cutting & Stripping

  • Cutting & Stripping

    Cutting & Stripping

  • Pre-assembly


  • Pre-assembly


  • Pre-assembly


  • Pre-assembly


  • Pre-assembly


Kinkong wire harnesses are produced in four phases: cutting&stripping, crimping, pre-assembly and final assembly.

Cutting & Stripping, wire processing in the cutting area are divided into semi-automated process and highly automated process. No matter in semi-automated process or automated process, our skillful workers or wire-cutting& stripping machines cut the wires to specific lengths, strip off the insulation, and apply seals and terminals  to  make sure the wires are cut to the right length and wire type, wire diameter, wire length, strip length, appearance, to meet specific requirements.

Crimping process is the most critical procedure of the entire wire harness production process.

We must check the wire type, specification, color and terminal specifications and crimping end stripping dimensions on the process card. The quality of the terminal crimping is mainly ensured by the crimping equipment and crimping die on the equipment. The mechanical and electrical properties of the terminals test, such as appearance inspection, pulling force test will be implemented to verify the quality of the crimping.


Pre-assembly is highly manual. The workers will insert the wires with crimped terminals into specific connector holes carefully according to the wire specifications on the process board. Any unqualified wire, crimped terminal, components or semi-finished parts will not flow into next procedure. Therefore, workers must be well-trained and cautious during the assembly process.

In the final assembly area, the wire harnesses are assembled as per customer’s requirements. Generally, the wire harness boards are required to instruct and control each employee to perform the correct work steps.